Feminism means credence that women’s should have the equality of opportunity, of rights, etc. as men have. Nowadays in India the definition of feminism is getting unoriginal, most of the women are misusing their privileges in the name of feminism. When it comes to false attribution or allegations on men, no one can imagine how […]

Nirbhaya Verdict: Justice Served or Justice Delayed?

On the 16th night of December 2012 a horrific incident claimed the life of a 23 year old Nirbhaya. There were 6 hideous men jointly responsible for having committed this brutal crime. 13 days after this the victim breathed her last at a hospital in Singapore after her medical reports testified to the dastardly treatment […]

Traditional Knowledge as a Protection Under IPR – Indian & International Scenario

Introduction Around the world there are various communities that possess knowledge which is gained by them through experience and through inheritance transferred from generation to generation. This inherited knowledge can be said as Traditional Knowledge. The Traditional Knowledge is a very broad term or concept which includes within itself indigenous knowledge related to various categories […]

Results: 1st LawPulse National Level Essay Writing Competition, 2020

Team LawPulse would like to thank every participant of the 1st LawPulse National Level Essay Writing Competition, 2020 for showing interest in the competition. We are pleased to announce that our top three Winners are: Deepak Gupta, Avni Singh, Anushka A. Further, we declare that Following Participants Submitted essays are selected for website publication Rishab Vora […]

LawPulse 1st National Level Essay Writing Competition, 2020

About the Organisation Law Pulse is an Online Law learning Platform aimed at spreading legal awareness and enhancing legal education. The idea is also to enhance writing skills among the students and draw attention towards important issues of the Society and spread legal knowledge through blogs, competitions, seminars, and workshops. About the Competition Law Pulse […]