Submit A Blog

Law Pulse Blog Submission Guidelines

At Law Pulse, we welcome submissions from legal enthusiasts, students, professionals, and writers who are passionate about sharing insightful perspectives on legal topics, societal issues, and educational matters. We aim to provide a platform for thought-provoking and informative blogs that contribute to legal awareness and education. To ensure that your blog submission aligns with our mission and meets our standards, kindly follow the guidelines mentioned hereunder:

  1. Relevant Content:
  • Blogs should primarily focus on contemporary legal topics, legal education, societal issues, or related subjects.
  • Ensure that the content is informative, engaging, and adds value to our readers’ understanding of the subject matter.
  1. Originality:
  • Submissions shall be original, unpublished work. Plagiarism or the use of content from other sources without proper attribution is not allowed.
  • While we encourage original content, we allow a maximum of 10% similarity with other sources, including quoted material.
  • Plagiarism Report shall be attached to the submitted article.
  • If your blog has been published elsewhere previously, please inform us when submitting, and we will evaluate it on a case-by-case basis.
  1. Length and Format:
  • Blogs should ideally be between 800 to 2500 words in length.
  • If your blog contains statistics, legal precedents, or references to other works, provide proper citations and references in accordance with a recognized citation style
  • Content must be written in Times New Roman in font size 12 with a line spacing of 1.5
  • All sources must be hyperlinked in the body of the text.
  • Use clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points to improve readability.
  • Submit your blog in a Word document or a Google Doc. Avoid PDFs.
  1. Author Information:

Include a brief author bio (maximum 100 words) at the end of your blog. You may include your name, affiliation, and any relevant credentials or qualifications.

  1. Submission Process:
  • Email your blog submission as an attachment with plagiarism report to
  • In the subject line, use the format “Blog Submission: [Your Blog Title].”
  • Any blogs exceeding the 10% plagiarism threshold may not be accepted for publication
  • Include a brief cover email introducing yourself and summarizing the key points of your blog.
  1. Review and Editing:
  • Submitted blogs will be reviewed by our editorial team.
  • We may make editorial suggestions or request revisions if necessary.
  • Please be open to feedback and responsive to revision requests.
  1. Rights and Ownership:

By submitting your blog to Law Pulse, you grant us the non-exclusive right to publish, edit, and promote your work on our platform. You retain the copyright to your work and may republish it elsewhere after it has been published on Law Pulse, with proper attribution.

  1. Response Time:

Our team will strive to respond to your submission within 30 working days. If you haven’t received a response within this time frame, feel free to follow up.

We appreciate your interest in contributing to Law Pulse and look forward to receiving your insightful blog submissions. Your contributions play a vital role in promoting legal awareness and education among our readers. Thank you for being a part of our mission.

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