About Law Pulse

Law Pulse is an Online Law learning Platform aimed at spreading legal awareness and enhancing legal education. The idea is also to enhance writing skills among the students and draw attention towards important issues of the Society. And spread legal knowledge through blogs, competitions, seminar, and workshops. A one stop for all your legal queries. We publish articles, blogs, Interviews. Book review. We are active in organizing events like essay competition, seminar, workshops, etc.

The main aim of this platform is to give students a great experience of learning by publishing articles, book review, and interviews and also by organizing various competitions, seminars, conference, workshop, etc.

About the Blog

The main focus of the blog is to create a forum to share analytical views on contemporary legal issues.


While there are no rigid thematic constraints, the article should be related to trending legal issues – national or international. The expectation is that the submitted article will provide informed perspective, critical thinking and new insight to the readers.

Submission can include Articles, Case Analysis, Book Review, etc.

Submission Guidelines


Co-authorship is not permitted

Other Instructions

  1. Along with the manuscript, the author must provide an abstract (in about 4 to 5 lines).
  2. Authors are requested to give a written undertaking that the manuscripts submitted are original pieces of work and has not been plagiarized nor has been published or is in consideration for publishing in any other place.
  3. The cover letter of the author(s) must consist of the names, profession and university/firm/place of work.

How to Submit?

Entries should be mailed at info@lawpulse.in with the Subject “Submission for Blogs”.

Contact Information

Email: info@lawpulse.in

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