About the Organisation
Law Pulse is an Online Law learning Platform aimed at spreading legal awareness and enhancing legal education. The idea is also to enhance writing skills among the students and draw attention towards important issues of the Society and spread legal knowledge through blogs, competitions, seminars, and workshops.
About the Competition
Law Pulse is Organizing there First Edition of National level Essay Writing Competition in association with HSRP Lawyers LLP to enhance writing skills among the students and draw their attention towards important issues of the Society.
Any topic relating to Contemporary legal issues.
For Example:
- The Citizenship Amendment Act 2019
- Uniform Civil Code
- The legal validity of Religious customs/traditions in context of Sabrimala
- The Ayodhya Judgement
- The Validity of Internet Shutdowns
- Internet as a Fundamental Right
- The need of Regulations for Social Media
- Censorship of Media
- The Security Cameras and Invasion to Privacy
- Any topic from judgements passed by Supreme Court
- Any topic from Bills Passed, Presented or Pending before the Parliament of India
These given topics are just for reference. Participants can take up any other topic other then these.
• All the essays would be judged anonymously by experts.
- 1st Place- Rs.2100/- and Internship Opportunity.
- 2nd Place- Rs.1100/- and A copy of Constitution of India.
- 3rd Place- Rs 500/- and A copy of Constitution of India.
- The first, second and third place holders shall be conferred with Certificate of Merit.
- The result of the competition will be announced on the www.lawpulse.in and also on the Social media accounts of Law Pulse.
- All the remaining candidates shall receive a Certificate of Participation and shall be e-mailed to all the contestants who have successfully submitted an essay.
- And the top entries will get chance to publish2 online.
- The competition is open to all students enrolled in an undergraduate program both 5-year integrated program or 3-year law program or postgraduate law degree from any recognized university/college/Institution in India.
- A candidate is eligible to submit only one entry.
- Co-authorship is permitted up to one.
- More than one entry from the same college is permitted.
Registration Fee: 150 Rs and in case of Co- Authorship 250 Rs
Register online at this form: https://forms.gle/5bCtKzqQRwdDV43V9
Submit your entries to hi.lawpulse@gmail.com
Registration Guidelines
- Any entry not adhering to registration rules shall not be entertained.
- All the entries received shall be the property of the organizers.
- Co-Authorship up to one member is allowed
Submission Guidelines
- The completed Essay shall be submitted by the candidate in the form of a soft copy (MS Word Format) to hi.lawpulse@gmail.com with the subject of the email as: “Entry for National Essay Writing Competition” on or before 15th February [11:59 pm].
- A cover letter shall be made as a separate document in MS Word format and separately attached as a file in the e-mail along with the completed essay which shall consist of details mentioned below:
- Full name and address of the Candidate
- Name and full address of the Law school/ university
- Theme selected for the essay
- E- mail of the candidate
- All completed essays shall be submitted in MS Word format
- The word limit of the completed essay must be in the range of 2500-3000 words inclusive of footnotes (explanatory footnotes are not permitted)
- Font type should be Times New Roman and the font size should be 12 pts throughout the text of the essay and 10 pts for the Footnotes. Line spacing to be maintained at 1.5 throughout the normal text and 1.0 for the footnotes.
- Only original essays on the given topics that have not been published or have not been accepted for publication should be mailed.
Scoring of the Essay
While assessing the document following will constitute the marking scheme:
- Originality and clarity of the content
- Quality of the analysis and research
- Language and structure of the essay
- Suggestions and Recommendation.
Important Dates
- Last Date of Registration: 5th February, 2020
- Last of Date Essay submission: 15th February, 2020
- Date of Result Declaration: 25th February 2020
- All the essays submitted shall be the exclusive property of organizers.
- Organizers shall be free to use the information/views therein in any matter requires
- Organizers decision in deciding the winners shall be final and binding and NO query, correspondence in this regard shall be entertained by organizers.
Payment Details:
- Pay tm/Google Pay/Phone Pay :- +91-7665645963 (Akshat Khandelwal)
- Bank Details :- Name of Bank: Central Bank of India:
Account No: 3461490168
IFSC Code: CBIN0280427
Contact Us
For any queries, send an email to hi.lawpulse@gmail.com , info@lawpulse.in
Or, Call Us at: +91-6375971094